Tuesday, December 14, 2010

10-Day Lemon Detox Diet Out, 3-Day Apple Detox Diet In (and then out again)

Ok, so--as presumed, I didn't get past the first whole day on the detox, because I, in my infinite wisdom, decided to start this stupid detox on the day of our Tenant Holiday Party, and the day before our Staff Holiday Luncheon at PF Chang's.

So, I gave up.

Friday night, while getting my mani+pedi at my favorite salon, I started gabbing with the girls and found out the the salons' owner's husband had just recently completed the amazing Lemon Detox Diet with great results. We all called him over to pick his brain. The three pieces of insight he offered:
1) you have to drink a gallon a day of the "magic potion" if you want to really see results.
2) Basically you have to stay away from other humans because watching other humans eat will kill you while detoxing. Or, possibly cause you to kill someone else.
3) If you can get thru the first two whole days, the rest is a breeze.

So, I decided to give it another go. R.G. would be working all day Saturday and I would just keep myself busy on Sunday.

Saturday: woke up early to go to Miami Gardens to pick up free furniture for my bedroom. Woke. R.J. up early as well and made him go with me in his Jeep. Got there--the furniture was not exactly my type, so we ended up leaving empty handed. Came home, and made up two portions of the good stuff, and downed it immediately. Off to the restroom and then back to the living room to watch the cutest movie ever: Away We Go.
In every scene of that movie someone was eating! Had one serving of Activia Yogurt, and then went to bed for four hours. Woke up famished, had another 8oz serving of the potion, along with a handful of Ritz Crackers. 5.pm, decided to go to work for four hours and get away from the food in the cabinets who were singing my name. During those four hours I took the remaining 3 servings. Went home, cooked for R.G. and went immediately to bed.

Woke up at noon Sunday morning dreaming of food. R.G. and I went immediately to our favorite weekend breakfast place for my weekly serving of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, and potatoes with Cranberry Juice Cocktail to drink!

Lemon Detox Diet Officially over.

Monday, back to life as usual, lamenting to my coworkers about my weekend failure, to which he responded "You should try that apple detox diet then."

I spent the rest of the day researching it online. Basically, you stuff yourself with apples all day long (no skin, nor seeds tho) as much as you can eat. Seems easy enough.

So, I gear myself up last night. Went to a spin class (serious stuff). Went grocery shopping for about 12 appls. Came home, sliced and peeled them up and put them in a tupperwear dish and spinkled fresh lemon juice over it (keeps the apples from turning brown and also gives them a sour kick. very nice).

However, by lunch time I ended up eating a real meal. A very real and tasty meal :)

The moral of this story: It took me a few months to gain this weight, and it's probably going to take me a few months to lose it. Sad but true.

I'm going to go back to the whole participating in really high cardio at least 4 times a week. That worked last time. And cutting back on the fast food. And eating more fruit.

Let's see how that works.

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