Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's Time to Kick My Own A$$

First day of brand new blog. Let's see if I am any good at this. I am inspired by Bridget Jones.
Now that I think of it, would be great if you could update blog from Blackberry--I would probably be alot more successful...

Anyway- I'm doing this to express myself, obviously.
I have alot of problems, but doesn't everyone? One of my greatest problems is that I have a problem with stick-to-it-tiveness. I give up easy-- I'm always looking for a way out. I can't even run a mile, but everyone always asks me if I run track.

So, tomorrow, to solve all of my problems, I am going to begin a Lemon Detox diet.

I know, I know--its probably a bad idea, but I'm going to do it anyway. It's only 10 days.10 days of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and Activia yogurt when I feel like I am going to pass out. I've never in my life followed any type of diet for more than 1 day. Food and me are frendz.

Today, I will read up on it, update myself on all of the pros and cons. If I'm dead in 10 days or less, then you probably shouldn't try this at home.

I feel like everyone is disappointed in me--most of all I am disappointed in myself:
Bad Credit
Always Broke
Gaining weight
Can't control uneccessary spending
Can't force myself to excersize or eat healthy
Can't prevent myself from cutting my hair as soon as it grows, and then hating it for months until it starts to grow out.
Can't even force myself off of Birth Control which, I am convinced, has made me gain all of this weight anyway.
Can't get a better job--I feel like I will be an assistant forever.
Can't do a good job to get promoted.
My parent are disappointed that I am not yet finished with school. My love is disappointed that I am gaining weight and am moody all of the time (BIRTH CONTROL's FAULT!!). My boss is disappointed that I am always effing up on tiny things all the time and has to correct me for a million things a day. My friends are disappointed that I settled for less. Even I feel that God has given up on me.

So, I can only do one thing at a time in my sinful mortal state, therefore I decided to start with losing weight.
And then getting an allergy Rx and my eye exam for this year so I can get new contacts. These old ones are killing me.

Will report back to inform how day 1 goes.
Ciao for now.

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